Gents Journey
Gents Journey
Unseen Laws of Power: The Law of Energy
"True mastery is found in the details. The way you handle the little things defines the way you handle everything."
Hello and welcome to the Gentleman's Journey podcast. My name is Anthony, your host, and today we're starting a brand new series, guys, and this series is the Law of Power series. So what this is it's I'm going to go over probably like there might be 11 episodes or you might get a bonus one not 100, sure yet, but you're definitely gonna get 10, as always. Um, but what this is, this is really gonna set you up, especially if you've been doing the the death of the old you series, and then he went into our last series, mental supremacy. This will really kind of build off of that series. So I would highly recommend, if you wanted to, to go check out those two series, but this can also be a standalone series too. But either way, by you applying these laws to your life and really understanding these laws, you will really get a good perspective about how people operate, about how the world operates and how, I hate to say, take advantage, but how you can really use it to your advantage Really, I guess there is another way to say it, but how you can really use it to your advantage, really, I guess there is another way to say it. So what I'm going to do is now I'm going to go ahead, I'm going to give you the introduction of this and we're going to get started, guys. So, again, thank you so much for listening to this and let's get into it Now.
Speaker 1:This is a part of the journey where most people fall off. They get excited in the beginning, right. They talk about change, they talk about discipline, they talk about destroying the old version of themselves, but now we're stepping into a realm that requires something more. It's not more motivation, it's not more effort, but more understanding, more clarity, more stillness, more strategy, because you've already, like I said, if you've already listened to mental supremacy, this will be great. But you know, in that, you know, you reprogram your thoughts, your shattered, limiting beliefs, and you learn how to detach from your old identity, right, and if you haven't listened to that, again, it's a great episode or series. But now what we're really going to do is we're going to move into the part that separates the aware from the influential, the conscious from the powerful, and this is called the unseen laws of power, right, and I want to be brutally clear as we talk about this, and I'm going to talk about what this is and what this is not, what this series is not. This is not a motivational series, this is not feel good content and this is not for beginners. This is not about a hustle, a grind or overcompensating right, and this is definitely not surface level psychology or recycled advice. This is for people who want not to be liked. This is for people who want to be followed, obeyed, remembered and respected.
Speaker 1:What this series is? This is about learning to control energy, attention and perception. It's about influencing rooms without saying a word. This is about walking to a space and becoming the unspoken authority. This is about creating a movement with your presence, not your effort, right? This is about learning to win in silence, from the shadows, while others are still fighting battles in the open, from the shadows, while others are still fighting battles in the open. So the unseen laws of power. It's going to show you how to bend the world around you without force, right? You're going to learn how to control perception, how to use energy instead of effort, how to create leverage in every relationship, how to walk away and gain power, how to influence without being seen, how to radiate dominance without noise, right?
Speaker 1:I'm going to be honest here with you guys. I'm just going to straight shoot you here. This is the kind of series that most people are not ready for, because it requires you to be cold when the world expects warmth, you know to be silent when the world expects chatter to be strategic, when others are emotional, to be alone when others seek comfort, right. But if you get this, if you lock this, if you lock into this, you will never be the same again. You will no longer chase influence, you will become the source of it. So just to set the expectation.
Speaker 1:Now, this is not a podcast. This is a reprogramming of your mind. This is opening the gates of what you can really become. You've killed the old you. Now let's make you untouchable. Welcome to the unseen laws of power.
Speaker 1:Now, law one, the law of energy we have to understand is control isn't about doing, it's about radiating. Let me ask you something when you walk into a room, does it change you or do you change the room? Because that's what we're talking about here. This law, the law of energy, is, I'm going to say, one of the most misunderstood, misused and most ignored laws of power, and it's the very reason why most people stay average, no matter how hard they try. They've been taught since birth that power comes from effort, that if you want something, you have to hustle, you have to grind, you have to outwork everyone. But that mindset that's for machines. You're not a machine, you're not a worker, you're not a dog chasing a car. You are a conductor of energy. And the truth is this. And the truth is this the most powerful people don't do more. They control more by doing less.
Speaker 1:You have to understand that energy equals power. Everything in your life runs on energy your time, your attention, your presence, your thoughts, your emotions. They all come from one core place and that is your energy field. And the person who controls their energy controls their world. Think of any person you've ever looked at and thought they run this. It's never the loudest one, it's never the one that's constantly moving. It's the one who walks in, doesn't say a word and everyone starts adjusting themselves. That's not charisma, that's not luck, that's energy dominance.
Speaker 1:Let me give you a real example. Have you ever walked or ever had someone? I should say, walk into a room and you could instantly feel them, even if they haven't said a word, even if they haven't said a word? That's energetic pressure. Now flip that. Have you met someone who talks a lot, does a lot, moves a lot, but they don't feel like they actually matter. That's energetic leakage. The difference is this is one person radiates and the other person bleeds right, and you have to understand that average person leaks energy all day long.
Speaker 1:Most people are walking around like cracked vessels. Most people are walking around like cracked vessels, constantly leaking their life force into everything that doesn't matter. They over explain, they argue online, they say yes when they want to say no. They try to prove their worth in every interaction. They let other people's emotion control theirs and then they wonder why they're exhausted, bitter, anxious, lost, angry. But it's simple they're losing energy faster than they can produce it. They're powerless, not because they're weak, but because they're wasteful.
Speaker 1:Ask yourself where are you bleeding energy? Is it in conversations with low value people? Is it being emotionally reactive? Is it trying to be liked instead of being respected? Is it scrolling your life away on your phone? You must start tracking your energy like a king tracks his gold, because no matter how smart, how skilled or how capable you are, you can't conserve your energy. I should say if you can't conserve your energy, you'll never reach dominance. You have to understand.
Speaker 1:The most powerful people guard their energy like a sacred fire. You'll notice that powerful people have this stillness about them. They don't fidget, they don't chase, they don't explain themselves, they don't even really react to most things, because they understand this one truth Energy is influence. And the less you waste, the more others feel. Their stillness isn't pacificity, it's not passive, it's control. Their silence isn't pacificity, it's not passive, it's control. Their silence isn't emptiness, it's power. And when you stop trying to prove everything, when you stop showing up just to be seen, when you stop reacting to every poke, every insult, every distraction, you start to radiate power. This is why kings have thrones. They don't walk into the village begging for influence. They sit still powerful and guess what the world comes to them. That's energy mastery.
Speaker 1:So a key shift here now is you got to come from expending energy to commanding it. Because I'm going to ask you something what if you stopped viewing effort as power? What if you started treating your energy like your most sacred weapon? This week, your job is this Stop leaking and start observing. Watch yourself in conversation, watch where you tense up, watch what drains you, watch who makes your thoughts spiral, watch what you do when you feel unseen. Because I'm going to tell you once you see it, you can control it, and once you control it, you will rise. And you have to understand this Power is not earned through effort. It's earned through energetic command. And again, the most powerful people. They don't chase, they don't explain, they don't prove they exist fully. They radiate effortlessly and the world shifts itself to match their energy. This is what you're learning now. This is the law of energy. You do less, you control more. You become the source.
Speaker 1:So let's talk about energy leaks now. Okay, if you feel drained, it's not life, it's how you live it. The most dangerous threat to your power isn't outside of you. It's in the tiny, invisible leaks. You don't even notice anymore Most people. They don't collapse because they got hit with something big. They collapse because they've been bleeding for years without even knowing it. They go to war every day wondering why they feel like they're losing, when in reality, they never even stood a chance. Not because they weren't capable, but because they walked onto the battlefield with holes in their armor, and those holes they made themselves. This is what energy leaks do. They destroy strong people, they soften warriors, they turn lions into lapdogs, not in one blow, but in a thousand small compromises over time. So let's break this open, okay.
Speaker 1:What is an energy leak? An energy leak is any person, habit, thought or response that drains your mental, emotional or physical power without giving you anything back, and it doesn't always feel destructive. Feel destructive Really, I'd say. In life, most leaks feel like they're just a part of your life. But that's the problem. You normalize your own disempowerment. You say I'm just tired, I need a break, I just hate people, I just get anxious sometimes. No, king, you're not tired, you're not overwhelmed, you're not broken. You're leaking energy constantly. And here's seven that I can think of of energy leaks from average people. Right?
Speaker 1:Number one is over-explaining yourself. Trying to be understood by people who don't even understand themselves blows my mind. Right, you have to understand. You lose power every time you explain what you already know is true. You already know it's true, so why do you have to keep explaining it? Right? Two pleasing everyone. You say yes to keep peace, but you kill yourself slowly with every yes. That should have been a no. You have to understand power is a selective access. It's not unlimitedly available to everybody.
Speaker 1:Three arguing with idiots. I'm sorry I said it. You can't win with someone who is committed to misunderstanding you every argument you step into drains your soul, even if you're right. Number four being emotionally reactive, you hear something you don't like and your energy spikes. You scroll social media and you spiral right. You have just been puppeteered by pixels. Number five tolerating low standards, you keep certain people around out of history, guilt or loneliness, but you know what you're doing. You're paying for it with your ambition.
Speaker 1:Six and decision. This is a massive one. You go back and forth over choices every single day. That's a massive leak. Powerful people decide fast and correct along the way. Number seven this is the biggest one Overconsumption. Overconsumption of information, overconsumption of entertainment, overconsumption of junk information, over consumption of entertainment, over consumption of junk food. Endless scrolling. You're full, but you're not fed.
Speaker 1:Each one of these leaks seems small, harmless, just a part of being a human being. Right? No, they are termites eating your empire from the inside. Because here's the truth. No powerful person how am I going to say this? I'll say it this way no person becomes powerful without becoming aware of their leaks and no person stays powerful without sealing them daily. Because here's the cost of leak. Let's get brutal about this, okay.
Speaker 1:When you're leaking energy, your thinking becomes foggy, your execution becomes sloppy. Your presence becomes invisible, your words lose weight, your power fades bit by bit, hour by hour, and you don't even realize it until you're out of fire and you're alone, wondering why am I so empty? It wasn't sudden. It's a slow death from the leaks you never sealed. We've got to start. You got to start spotting your leaks.
Speaker 1:So I'm going to give you something daily that I do right, because I want you to build this into your life right now. There's no excuses, okay. Every night, before you go to sleep, ask yourself where did I waste my energy today? And I want you to be honest. Was it a person, was it a thought? Was it an argument? Was it a habit?
Speaker 1:Now, follow up with this. What boundary can I set tomorrow to stop this from happening again? This, I promise you, is not complicated, but it is powerful, because the moment you become aware of your leaks, you stop being a victim to your energy and you start becoming a master of it. I'm giving you a final warning Powerful people seal fast. You are not average. You are not average. You are not here to bleed slowly. You are here to build an empire. So, from this moment forward, seal the leaks. Choose power over comfort. Choose silence over reaction, choose elevation over validation. Power is not just what you create, it's what you stop giving away.
Speaker 1:Now let's talk about the power of stillness. This is where you start commanding rooms without movement, right, you have to understand stillness is not silence, it's dominance and disguise. When a man is still, the world leans in. You have to understand most people think power is volume, that if you want to be seen, you have to move more. If you want to be heard, you have to talk louder. If you want to be respected, you have to force presence. But that's the language of the average, the insecure, the reactive. Real power it's not loud, it's not frantic, it's not kinetic, it's still. And that stillness, it doesn't, doesn't say oh, look at me, it commands it without effort, without noise, and this is why stillness dominates. Let's, let's talk psycho, uh psychology for a second here.
Speaker 1:Okay, humans are wired to seek predictability in others. Right, we scan facial expressions, body language, movement patterns. We're looking for cues, signs, energy shifts, right. But when you give someone nothing, when your expression doesn't change, when your body is relaxed, when your energy is unreadable, you become the most unpredictable person in the room. And being unpredictable is powerful. You have to understand.
Speaker 1:Stillness isn't just calm, it's tactical control over your energy output. You stop giving people something to react to. Instead, you force them to react to you. You hold eye contact without expression, you speak slower, but with gravity, you sit in silence, completely relaxed, while others scramble to fill the space. And that's what figure out, why and that's how you win, without saying a word. Right, and let me be clear on this Stillness is not being passive. Stillness is not freezing. Stillness is not shrinking into the background.
Speaker 1:Stillness is intentional presence. It's when your mind is sharp, when your body is anchored, when your energy is focused, but you choose not to react, not to move, not to speak unless you choose to. It's the difference between a sleeping lion and a caged dog. One is waiting, the other is trapped. And this is why stillness terrifies people. Right, you'll notice something when you start practicing stillness.
Speaker 1:Average people get nervous around you. They'll try to joke more, they'll try to talk faster, they'll ramble, they'll fill the silence. Why? Because silence creates space, and most people hate space. Because in that space, they start to feel their own insecurity. But you, you're not there to ease their tension, you're there to own the space. Stillness makes them feel small because it makes you immovable. You don't shrink, you anchor, you don't chase presence, you become it. So you have to say we got to start practicing stillness and you have to start training it daily. This is a muscle, it's a craft, it's a weapon, and here's how you train it. Okay is a muscle, it's a craft, it's a weapon, and here's how you train it.
Speaker 1:Okay, one practice silent eye contact. Hold eye contact when others speak. Don't react, don't nod excessively. Just be there, just be solid. Let them feel your presence instead of your validation. Let them feel your presence instead of your validation.
Speaker 1:Right Two enter room slowly, speak. Second, don't rush. Take your time when entering a room assess, breathe, anchor, then speak after you've read the energy. Now, three pause before every response. Add a beat before you reply to anything. Even just one second of silence creates tension and tension draws power towards you. Okay, now number four. This is a huge one. Meditate on stillness, not emptiness. Don't just clear your mind, sit in presence, feel your body, feel your breath, feel your awareness. Become the still point in a moving world, right Now.
Speaker 1:Next, what we're going to do is we're going to talk about ruling the room with dominance. He who speaks first explains himself. He who speaks last commands the frame. If you want to control a room again, move slower, speak later, say less but mean more, but mean more. Sit still and other squirm. You don't need to be charismatic, you don't need to be loud, you don't need to dominate verbally, you just need to be undeniably still, unshakably calm and utterly unaffected, because when you are, everyone starts adjusting to you. And just to tell you this again stillness is not passive, it's actually the hardest discipline a man can master. It's actually the hardest discipline a man can master. But once you do, you'll walk into any room, any meeting, any confrontation, and no one will be able to figure out why they're leaning towards you, why they want to speak slower, why they respect you, before you even open your mouth.
Speaker 1:The answer is simple You've mastered the frequency of kings. Kings don't move to be seen. The world shifts around them because they're still. This is the power of stillness, and that is the next weapon in your arsenal Now the energy conversation system, conservation system. I can talk. So this is about doing less and controlling more. The powerful don't move faster, they move cleaner. Right? You've heard this phrase. I know you have. Work smarter, not harder, right. But kings, take it a step further Rule more, move less. We've talked about energy. We've exposed the leaks, right, we've learned the power of stillness. You know what? Now we go tactical, because awareness without a system, that's just insight without an empire. So we will build an energy conversation system, conservation system Jeez, I can talk A lifestyle design that protects your power, automates your discipline and allows you to do less while controlling more.
Speaker 1:Right, you have to understand this core truth of powerful people. The most powerful people you've ever met have one thing in common they don't spend their energy on things they can design once and control forever. They do not live on reaction, they live on systems. I know you've heard this, probably 10,000 times in this podcast, but here we go again, because it's just the truth, right? I'll give you an example. An average person wakes up and wonders what to do. I'll give you an example. An average person wakes up and wonders what to do. A powerful person already has everything in motion their mornings, they're structured, their output is protected, their circle filtered, their mission clear. They don't choose discipline every day. They automated it a long time ago and that's the key With this energy conversation. I don't know why I can't talk today.
Speaker 1:Conservation formula, it's this you automate, delegate and eliminate. That's the rule. Every task, every person, every decision goes through that filter. Okay, how can you automate this Right? Actually, it should go through this filter. I should say, first, be like how can I automate this Right? If I can't automate it? How can I delegate this? If I can't delegate this, does this need to exist at all? If I can't delegate this, does this need to exist at all? If it doesn't pass that test that you just went through, it goes. Why? Because you're not trying to do more. You're trying to move with clarity, precision and gravity. Right, here's the pillars of your system. Let's build it in four key areas.
Speaker 1:Number one your morning routine or ritual, whatever you want to call it right, the first 90 minutes of your day. Really, they dictate the dominance of your energy. In that first 90 minutes do not check your phone, do not respond to the world. You set the frequency. Powerful people have non-negotiables. They do breath work, they do movement meaning they work out right. They do cold exposure or stillness. They plan their day's mission. They do affirmations that activate their identity. Right. They work in absolute silence or controlled input. If your morning is chaotic, your mind will be conquered before noon. If you build this ritual, you stick to it. Let it run your launch without thinking. If you can do that, I'm telling you it's game over Now.
Speaker 1:Number two your output hours. Protect your work zone. You must create sacred windows of undistracted output no calls, no texts, no meeting, no noises. Right, block out two to four hours per day that are uninterrupted. This is your empire building time. Okay, you don't owe anyone a response during this zone. You're building the future. That gives them something to respond to. Treat these hours like a lion treats its territory. Guard it viciously, viciously, right.
Speaker 1:Number three your social energy. Every person in your life is either a battery or a leech. Start filtering your circle, like your life depends on it, because it does. Stop having conversations that go nowhere. Stop letting people dump emotional baggage all over you. Stop maintaining relationships out of obligation. You don't need to cut everyone off, you just need to reduce their access, because the higher you rise, the tighter your circle becomes. Not because you're arrogant, because you are efficient.
Speaker 1:Now, number four your decision making. Decisions drain energy faster than action. The average person burns mental bandwidth all day on these four things what should I eat, what should I wear? Should I work out today and should I call them back? Stop it. Pre-make as many decisions as possible. Build rules that eliminate choice fatigue. Build rules that eliminate choice fatigue, meal prep, outfit rotation, task batching Rules, equal energy freedom.
Speaker 1:Okay, and here's a bonus the power of no. Every yes you say is a contract that spends your energy. Every no you say is an act of conservation. From now on, no is your default. No is your weapon. No is your first layer of protection. Yes gives access. No preserves your throne.
Speaker 1:Now, do a daily energy review, right. I call it like a dominance checklist, right? Each night, ask yourself this Did I guard my morning or did I give it away? Yes or no? And if you did, why? Another question you ask did I create an undistracted output or is my mind scattered? Answer that question. Did I say no to low value noise, yes or no? If you said yes, why, right? Did you make decisions or did decisions make you yes or no? And why? Did you protect your mission, your mission or did you serve someone else's?
Speaker 1:Here's what you have to understand. If you get a no on any of these, adjust tomorrow, not out of guilt, out of strategy. You have to understand this You're not a worker, you're not a slave to notifications. You're not a worker. You're not a slave to notifications. You're not a reaction machine, you're a king. And kings don't chase control, they structure it. Your energy is your empire, your system is your fortress. So stop burning energy on the unnecessary and start building a life that runs with precision, stillness and command. This is your energy conversation system. Gosh, I can't say that word Conservation system. There we go. Design it once, rule with it forever. And here's what I got to tell you guys. I got to tell you guys you were never meant to compete, you were built to command.
Speaker 1:Power isn't given to those who try the hardest. It's claimed by those who understand the game no one else sees. You've stepped beyond surface success, beyond self-help, beyond noise. You've entered into the realm of true power, the kind that doesn't scream but speaks quietly, the kind that bends reality without words. Okay, because in this episode in the Law of Energy, this wasn't just the first episode of a new series, it's the threshold, because, again, the unseen laws of power isn't like anything you've done before. It doesn't live in the world of hype, it's not about noise and force or flashy strategies. It's about real, silent, unshakable power, power that doesn't need to move, power that doesn't need to prove, power that doesn't need to prove, power that doesn't need to be announced. Right, and I want you to let this truth sink in, because again, you've just you're at the beginning of this.
Speaker 1:Again, this was not the start of a new series. It's the death of an old power model and the birth of your silent influence. And now you know something that most people never will Real power doesn't live in effort, it lives in energy, it lives in structure, it lives in presence and, most importantly, it lives in you. So what happens now? Now comes the question what separates the people that are superior from the average Is are you going to go back to being reactive or are you going to rise and be the person who doesn't just live in the world but shapes it? Because that's what happens next, and I just want to just say this before we go, before you step into this new realm, we're going to go deeper. We're going to go into influence, we're going to go into manipulation, we're going to go psychological warfare, we're going to go into the dark side.
Speaker 1:But before we step into all those, I just want you to sit with this. What would your life look like if you stopped chasing everything and made it all come to you? What if your presence replaced your performance, replaced your performance? What if your silence became more feared than any other man's volume? What if your entire life became a reflection of one truth? I am the source, because if you carry this frequency until the next phase of your life, you won't just play the power game, you're going to be the one that writes the rules. So, guys, that was episode one of the laws of unseen power. That was episode one of the laws of unseen power, or the unseen laws of power.
Speaker 1:I should say, and I'm going to tell you buckle up, because this is going to be a different series. It's going to be different than the 10x series. It's going to be different than the death of series. It's going to be different than Death of you series. It's going to be different than the Mental Supremacy series. This is going to be a different series. But I'm telling you a lot of this stuff that we're going to talk about people charge thousands and thousands of dollars for, and I never will. You should know this, because this is what's going to take you to the next level and if you don't know this, people are going to use it against you and I want you to never be in that predicament. So, guys, thank you so much for listening today. Again, I just want to, before I go here, I want to thank you for all your guys' feedback on the past three series Unbelievable. Thank you so much for your feedback, your messages, your emails, all of it. Just thank you so, so, so, very much.
Speaker 1:And if you would like to contact me about this episode or this series or any of this series or episodes that we've talked about on here, there's three ways. First way is, if you go in the description of this podcast, it'll say let's chat or let's talk. It says something to that effect. You click on that, you type in, a message goes to me and I message you back and we talk back and forth about this or anything that you want to talk about. Second way you can reach me is my email. My email is anthony at gentsjourneycom. Feel free to email me there. And, last but not least, you can go see my smiling face on Instagram. My Instagram handle is my gentsjourney. Feel free to reach out to me there at any time about this or anything that we talk about on here. Okay, so again, guys, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so, so, so, very much for listening today. And remember this you create your reality. Take care For reality, take care.