Gents Journey
Gents Journey
Stand on Your Feet: Defy Limits and Claim Your Destiny
Imagine standing at a crossroads, where one path leads to fulfillment and the other to regret. On this episode of the Gentleman's Journey podcast, I, Anthony, challenge the societal norm that causes many to lose steam on their New Year's resolutions by National Quitters Day. We confront the temptation to give in to self-doubt and fear, advocating instead for a life of resilience and determination. With the mantra "live on your knees or stand on your feet," I share personal experiences from my own life-altering moments, urging you to break free from mediocrity and seize the life destined for you.
This is not just another motivational talk, it's a battle cry. We'll explore what it means to truly stand on your feet—embracing confidence, committing to your dreams, and owning your potential. This episode is your call to listen, to rise, and to transform. Gather the courage to defy your limits and re-ignite the passion within you. If you're ready to stop letting fear dictate your life, this electrifying episode will guide you in reclaiming your power and voice. Let's embark on this transformative journey together and make this year the one where you claim your destiny.
"True mastery is found in the details. The way you handle the little things defines the way you handle everything."
Hello and welcome to the Gentleman's Journey podcast. My name is Anthony, your host, and today we're going to switch it up a little bit here. You know we've been talking about motivation. We've been talking about, you know, making a plan for your life, but I just noticed something. So on January 13th they call it National Quitters Day, right, and they say this is about where 70 to 80% of people that have made a New Year's resolution they've already quit, right, and by this point in time, by the end of January, pretty much anyone that's made any kind of New Year's resolution it's all done for.
Speaker 1:But if you're holding on by a thread, if you are doing everything you can in your life right now to move forward and you just don't have it in, you take this next 20 minutes and let it fill your soul, Because I'm going to give you something that I live by, and this is something that in my toughest moment in my life, when everything was going to crap in my life and I didn't know who I was or what I wanted to do, and I didn't know who I was or what I wanted to do this saying popped in my mind and it really changed my whole life. And what it was, is this. I'm going to read this to you Because it's just so inspirational. The saying was this Is are you going to live on your knees or are you going to die on your feet? Because I'm going to tell you right now if you're struggling, it's okay. It's your time to rise, it's your time to fight and it's your time to claim the life you were meant to be. There is no more fear, there is no more hesitation. You are going to stand tall after this, you are going to take charge after this and you are going to mark the world with who you are after this. So I'm going to tell you right now there comes a time in your life when you have to decide. You have to make a decision of either you're going to bow down to fear and to doubt and to the limits that they try to put upon you, or you're going to stand up and you're going to stand in defiance and you're going to be unstoppable and you're going to claim the life that is yours to take. That's not a question. It's a battle cry. It's a battle cry today. I'm going to do everything I can to ignite the fire inside of you, breaking the chains that are holding you back and step into the life that you're meant to lead. If you're ready to rise, then buckle in, because this is where transformation begins.
Speaker 1:Now you're going through this right now and you're saying to yourself what does it even mean to live on your knees? Do you know what living on your knees really means really means? It means living in fear and being stuck in a cycle of self-doubt. It's living a life where you're settling for less because it feels safe. It's holding back your voice, your dreams and your power because you're scared.
Speaker 1:And you know what the cost of that is. It's regret, first off, because every day you don't act is a day you'll never get back. I'll say that again Every day you don't act is a day you'll never get back. I'll say that again. Every day you don't act is a day you'll never get back. The other cost of this life is mediocrity. Mediocrity is a slow, painful death of your passion and your potential. And, last but not least, it's loss of identity. When you live small, you know what happens. You forget who you truly are. Had to get a drink there, because I'm going to tell you right now living on your knees is not an option. It is time to reclaim your power.
Speaker 1:Now let me tell you what standing on your feet means, what it really really means. It means that you walk into the unknown with confidence, because you understand that confidence is the key, or one of the keys, to success. Right, confidence and commitment are key ingredients to success. Right. Standing on your feet also means, too, is owning your power, owning your voice and owning your destiny. There's so many people out there right now that are literally and I'm sorry to say this are just pissing away their potential. They're just giving it away. They just don't care, they don't want to do the hard work, they don't want to spend the sleepless nights, they don't want to proceed forward because they're letting fear hold them back.
Speaker 1:You have to understand fear does not exist. Fear is in your mind. It does not exist outside of you. Fear is an acronym. Remember this acronym False evidence appearing real. The only way fear can exist is if you acknowledge it. The only way fear can exist is if you acknowledge it. When you own your power and you own your voice and you own your destiny, fear has no place to be, because when you do that, you know what really happens. Fear can no longer dictate your life, the reward that you get from this to this life that you want to live, standing on your feet and fighting, you get unshakable confidence. You get unshakable confidence. You want to know why? Because you are the only one who controls their fate. It's nobody else, it's you. You are the one that dictates and controls their fate, nobody else. From this, you get success. You want to know why Success favors the bold. The bold always wins, it just does. And, last but not least, you get legacy your courage. When you stand up and you start taking charge of your life, you, knowingly or unknowingly, will inspire other people. You just will. Because, again, if they see that you can do it, that gives them belief that they can do it. Because I'm going to tell you this right now this is the God's honest truth the world does not belong to those who whisper. It belongs to those who roar. I'll say that again the world does not belong to those who whisper, it belongs to those who roar. And remember fortune favors the bold. Remember fortune favors the bold. You know I'm going to share something with you.
Speaker 1:So I used to drive truck, right, and as I was driving truck, it was probably, you know, and for all the truck drivers out there that are listening to this. My hat goes off to you because that's one of the toughest jobs in the world, right, and it's one of the loneliest jobs in the world. I remember the day that I decided I wasn't going to drive anymore. I was in the middle of Iowa. I was like probably an hour from Dubuque, right, and it was New Year's Eve and I'm getting all these text messages telling me Happy New Year, all this stuff, and I'm sitting there, driving, sitting there, driving and crying because I'm by myself and it's one of the lowest points of my life. I felt just like absolute garbage. I felt worthless.
Speaker 1:And this is where this voice inside my head, as I'm crying, I can't even see the road, honestly, and it's a snowstorm, so you really can't see. Anyways, you're just hoping for the best, honestly, as I'm driving, I'm crying and this voice inside my head said listen, you have a choice right now Are you going to live on your knees or are you going to die on your feet? Said it to me three or four times. So wipe my tears off. I just start screaming. I don't know if you've ever had a scream.
Speaker 1:To where all the anger, all the frustration, all the hurt, all the everything just starts pouring out of you. That's what this scream was. It was letting everything go. It was letting everything out. It was reclaiming back who I was, that I'm not just going to sit here anymore and take this life and say this is okay, that I have something I got to fight for, that I am going to be better than this, that I have more to do in life than just drive truck and be by myself. I've always had this Jen's journey in the back of my mind forever, and I was just too scared to do it. But I said to myself I'm going to leave this truck and I'm going to tell you what I did. I absolutely did, and it was hard. What I did I absolutely did, and it was hard, but I did it. And I started thinking about, like, how am I even going to talk to people? I've never done a podcast before. How does this even work? I just started doing it and now here we are, three years later. And now here we are, three years later.
Speaker 1:The only thing that can ever hold you back is you. That's it. Nobody else. Not your circumstances, not money, not your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, fiance, not your parents, not your best friend, not your job. It's you, that's it. It's just you.
Speaker 1:And I understood something when I started this that you're only really ever one decision away from stepping into your greatness. And I ask yourself this question Will you make that decision? Will you? Because here's the thing you want, to start standing tall. You want to start living on your feet and fighting on your feet. Here's what you have to do.
Speaker 1:Here's step one Define your battle cry. What do you stand for? What do you fight for? Who are you doing it? For who? You're doing it for you? Why Write it down? This is your battle cry. We're talking about the rest of your life, starting right now.
Speaker 1:You want to go do something? Then go do it. You know what kills fear. This is step two. You know what kills fear Action. Do you know what happens to fear when you take action? It dies when you move forward. Identify that fear that's been holding you back for years and crush it by taking action. I give you permission to do that and I'm going to tell you something you know where greatness and everything you want lives. It lives outside of your comfort zone. So step three be uncomfortable. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Do one thing that scares you this week. Don't hold back, just do it. I feel like that meme. Just do it. But it's the truth. Number four take the shot.
Speaker 1:People say I gotta wait for the perfect time. Stop, there is no such the biggest lie that people tell themselves is perfect time? There is never a perfect time. Stop, there is no such the biggest lie that people tell themselves is perfect time. There is never a perfect time. It's an excuse. So stop, set a bold goal this week and take the first step right now. Don't just wait. That's a killer man. You can't wait anymore. You don't got time and you know.
Speaker 1:Here's another thing, and this is going to be the hardest thing to do out of all of them, to be honest you got to start surrounding yourself with people who push you higher. You got to find somebody who embodies the values that you hold and connect with them. So I'm going to tell you right now action is your weapon. You got to use it. You have to use it, okay. So here, here is your challenge. Here's what I implore you to do.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'm going to give you five questions and I want you to do. Okay, I'm going to give you five questions, and I want you to write these down, please. Question one what have you been kneeling to in your life? What is it? What is it? What is one bold action you can take today to start living on your feet? Three what is your personal battle cry? And when you write it down, I want you to say it as loud as you can. I don't care how dumb you feel. Say it out loud. You got to say it from your chest, as they say, right?
Speaker 1:And number five, and this is going to take a little time, but ask yourself I'm sorry, this is number four, jeez, I can read who's going to hold you accountable to this mission? Who's going to hold you accountable? Is it going to be you? Is it going to be me? Who's it going to be? And number five, and number five what will your legacy be if you rise now? What will it be? Because I'm going to tell you this, I'm going to straight shoot you If you don't answer these questions, if you don't act, then you are making a conscious choice to stay on your knees.
Speaker 1:But I know something about you that's not who you are. That's not, that's never been who you are. Now is your time to rise. The world needs you to rise. It does. They need people. The world needs people like this, right now more than ever, because I'm going to tell you something. This is it, because I'm going to tell you something. This is it.
Speaker 1:The time is now. The moment you've been waiting for is right in front of you. No more waiting, no more excuses, because you know what today is. Today is the day you choose to fight. Today is the day you choose to rise. The world belongs to those who dare to rise, who dare to stand. Come on and claim your place. Say it with me, say this with me right now. I will not kneel, I will stand, I will fight and I will win. Say it again I will not kneel, I will stand, I will fight and I will win. This is your time. Now is the time, now is the place. Go out there and take what's yours Guys. Thank you, whew man. That's been on my heart for a minute. I'm going to be honest. It's just the time now, guys. It just is and you know sometimes it's hard to hear these things. It is, but it is your time and with that, I want to thank you guys. So, so, so, so very much for listening today.
Speaker 1:If you have a question on this or anything that I talk about, please, please, please, never hesitate to reach out to me. There's three ways. First way is you can actually it says text me here. Click on that text and you can text me. We can have a conversation back and forth about this, if you like. Next way to reach a hold of me yeah, reach a hold of me. Next way to reach me is going to be through my email. My email is anthonyatgentsjourneycom. Please, please, please, never hesitate to reach out to me. And, last but not least, you can go to my Instagram. My Instagram is mygentsjourney. Feel free to drop me a DM. We can have a conversation there too. So, again, we can have a conversation there too. So, again, thank you. So, so, so, very much for listening today. And remember this you create your reality. Take care Bye.