Gents Journey

Crafting a Life of Intention and Purpose: Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet

Gents Journey

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Transform your life by mastering the art of living with intention and purpose. This episode of the Gentleman's Journey podcast promises to equip you with the knowledge to align your daily actions with your core values, uncovering a life filled with clarity, joy, and fulfillment. Join us as we dissect the critical importance of saying no to distractions that divert you from your true goals and learn how to protect your energy to make better decisions without regrets. Through thoughtful discussions and actionable insights, you'll be inspired to identify your core values and create a vision that leads to a more meaningful existence.

Prepare to embrace 2025 as a year of personal growth and transformation. We guide you through designing an intentional day blueprint that aligns your values with your actions, emphasizing that purpose isn't static but evolves over time. Through engaging stories like Alex's, discover how small, consistent changes can harmonize your life, allowing for a balanced approach to personal fulfillment. This episode is a call to action to view the upcoming year as an opportunity to craft your best self, reminding you that you hold the power to shape your own future. Get ready to make 2025 your year of intention and purpose!

"True mastery is found in the details. The way you handle the little things defines the way you handle everything."

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Gentleman's Journey podcast. My name is Anthony, your host, and today we're going to talk about something that, if you don't have this in your life, I'm just going to tell you that you will always be in the dark, you'll never be able to lead yourself and life will not only pass you by, but you won't have really any meaning in your life. Now, what is this that I'm talking about today? I'm talking about living your life with intention and purpose. So let's go ahead and let's talk about this Now. A lot of times when we are not living our life with intention or purpose, we're just going through the motions of life. Right, you know, we feel like we're stuck like in autopilot mode and we get really caught up in, like, our daily grind of life. Right, you know, you do what's expected without asking yourself you know, why am I doing this? Or what truly matters in my life? Why does this truly matter? So today we're going to talk about, you know, really living with intention and purpose, and when you do this, you really create a way or create a life of clarity, fulfillment and joy. Because here's the thing I'm going to tell you Living with intention. It's not about perfection, and it's not about rigid planning what it really is. It's about aligning your daily actions with your values and creating a life that you truly love.

Speaker 1:

So, as we're talking about this, what does living? You know what is living a life of intention. What does that look like? Let me get a drink here really quick. Let me get a drink here really quick. So think of it like this, or think of this Imagine waking up every day with a clear sense of direction. Instead of feeling like overwhelmed or reactive or like, oh gosh, you know, I just need five more minutes of sleep, you reproach life with that clarity and confidence that can really push you through in that morning, right? So here are some examples of intentional living, and this is really hard for us to say to people Saying no, saying no to things that don't serve your goals. Now, I know that's really kind of hard to do or really hard to say, but you don't have to say yes to everything, right? And when you're living with intention and purpose, you're probably going to say no more than you think, but you have to put yourself first and you have to put your purpose first. You know, because here's the thing you know, as you're living intentionally, as you're saying no to things that don't serve you. What you start to do is you prioritize time with loved ones or personal growth, or both, and another thing you do is you set boundaries to protect your energy. I'm going to tell you right now your energy is the most important thing in your life and you got to protect that at all costs. Because here's the thing If you can do that, if you can protect your energy, you can say no to things that don't serve your goals and you prioritize yourself and your personal growth and time with your loved ones. Right, here's what's going to happen. You do that. You're going to be more fulfilled in your life, you're going to make better decisions, but here's the thing you're going to reduce regrets in your life, because you have to understand what intentional living does. It's aligning your actions with your values.

Speaker 1:

Now, how do you start living an intentional life? Like? How do you do that? How do you live a life that's intentional and purposeful? Like? How do you do that? The do you live a life that's intentional and purposeful? How do you do that? The first thing you have to do is you have to identify your core values. Your values are the foundation for living intentionally, because here's what they do. They guide you on your decisions and they define to you what matters the most.

Speaker 1:

Remember, we were talking about the manifesto last week. This aligns with that, right, because example, let's say, the things that matter to you most is your family, your health, your creativity, um, your integrity and your growth. Let's say, those are things that matter most to you. Well then, you're always gonna be making decisions that make sure that you have those things in your life, right? So I'm gonna tell you right now, as we're talking about this, you don't have to write this down, but just keep this in your mind. But if you're listening and you have a pen and paper, I would write this down. Write down your top five values and reflect on how they show up in your daily life. And if you're living a life of just being busy, I promise you those values that you say that you have. You don't, and that's why you're not being fulfilled or feeling fulfilled in your life.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now, next and I know we talk about this a lot, but it's just something that is in this space of personal growth and becoming a gentleman. It's just you have to have this, you have to have a clear vision. So clarify your vision. Ask yourself what does a meaningful life look like to you? What does it look like? Ask yourself a question like this what do I want my ideal day, week, month and year to look like? What does that look like? And as you're doing that, this is something. This is like a pro tip or a gentleman's tip. I guess I could say Okay, when you write down your vision statement, start it with this my purpose is to blank, so, like, my purpose is to help each and every gentleman become the best they can be. That's what it says. If you look at my description for this, that's what it says.

Speaker 1:

Now the next thing you do is you got to set intentional goals, right Again, I know this sounds very familiar, but it's the truth. Break down your vision and the actionable goals that align with your values. You want to know why all this keeps sounding the same. It's because it's stuff that works. The same is because it's stuff that works. The reason why all this aligns like your manifesto being intentional, setting goals, having a vision, having a plan, having these things. The reason why they all kind of sound the same is because all this stuff works and you have to follow these steps in order for you to live a life of self-mastery, because that's what we're trying to get to right. So what you're going to do is you're going to break down your intentional goals into actual goals that align with your values.

Speaker 1:

Let's say, for example, health is a value to you, then you could set a goal to, like you know what, I'm going to exercise three times a week. And let's say, you love McDonald's, I'm only going to eat McDonald's in, maybe once a week, right? Or twice a week. That could be something that you could do, right, because here's the thing you want to start a goal with a value and an action, a goal with a value and an action. So here's your value, right? What values I do like? Being healthy, right? Or I'd say, health is the value, right, exercise is the goal, and then action is how many times you can do it. So, three times a week. There you go, right.

Speaker 1:

Now the next thing is setting or creating daily rituals. A lot of people think rituals are something that are not beneficial. Wrong, rituals are not beneficial. This is true, but if you have the right rituals in your life, as in daily rituals that you do, which are really just habits, right? If they align with your purpose, that's something that's going to help you. So let's say, for an example, your daily ritual or you could say, intention or habit that you do every morning is.

Speaker 1:

You could say, like you know, what do I want to work on today? Let's say you want to be more present in life. So you're like, you know what do I want to work on today? Let's say you want to be more present in life. So you're like you know what? Today I'm going to focus on being more present in my conversations. I'm going to put my phone down and I'm going to focus 100% on the person in front of me or what's going on in front of me, right, I'm not going to distract myself. I'm going to focus on what's in front of me or what's going on in front of me, right, I'm not going to distract myself, I'm going to focus on what's in front of me, okay. Now the next thing we have to understand is you have to reflect and adjust regularly, like your rituals and your goals, right, just regularly, like your rituals and your goals, right?

Speaker 1:

A lot of people think that purpose is this one thing that is static. It's not. It's not a static thing. It evolves as you grow. Remember, reflection ensures your actions stay aligned. So it's kind of like you're checking in with yourself. So there's a saying you're getting a checkup from the neck up. So when you're looking at your goals and you're looking at your values and you're looking at your rituals, do they all kind of still correspond? What's not corresponding anymore, what's not working for you, and then adjust accordingly? Right, and something that I do personally, I always ask myself this did my actions align with my purpose? Today, you ask yourself that. I'm telling you it'll change your life.

Speaker 1:

Talk about this. I have a friend named Alex, right, and how can I say this? Alex knows how to make a lot of money, right, he has some jobs that he makes a lot of money at, but the problem is he's not fulfilled. And I'm talking about this guy probably makes high six figures a year. He's probably close to a million a year. But here's the thing and this happens to many of us he was living his life reactively. He was letting the demands of his job, like, really take priority of what truly mattered to him, and until he realized what his values were, you know, like, his values, or what he said his values were were like his family, his health and his creativity. Well, he was working at a job to where none of those values were being held right. They were really being neglected more than anything.

Speaker 1:

So what he started doing is we were like a conversation about this. He's like I'm like why don't you just take these? These don't have to be like this huge leaps, you know, in behavior. They don't have to be like these huge, like leaps and changes. Small, consistent changes wins the battle of your life, right? So, as we're talking about, I'm like, listen, you know what you can do. You can start setting parameters. Let's say you eat dinner with your family, let's say between, let's say, 5.30. So between 5.30 and, let's say, 7 o'clock, you don't look at your phone, you don't take any phone calls, right? And in that way, when you're eating dinner, you are fully present. Then he's like okay, well, I don't know what to do about health. I'm like listen, dude, you literally work right down the street from a gym, get up 45 minutes to an hour earlier and go to the gym. So that's what he started doing. He started going to the gym and then, from there, you know, he made time to where he didn't get any phone calls in that period of time and started going to the gym. So now he's prioritizing his health.

Speaker 1:

And then the last thing is is you know he always wanted to take up photography, right, he loves photography, but never really did it. You know he always wanted to take up photography, right, he loves photography, but never really did it. You know, doesn't really know the nuances of photography, right? So what he started doing? He started like taking a class. He got a camera and learned how to essentially do photography. Right? Because here's the thing Over time, these little changes changed his life and what started happening?

Speaker 1:

He started feeling more balanced, he started feeling more fulfilled and he really started connecting with his purpose. He started connecting with himself. Because here's the thing, like I was saying before, you have to understand this isn't like doing a massive overhaul, right, because that could be really overwhelming. All you're doing is take very, very small but very consistent and concise actions that align with your values. That's what you're doing right. Because here's the thing. That's what you're doing right. Because here's the thing here's like one of the big like.

Speaker 1:

Here's some challenges that you face when you're living a life with intention. I would say one of the some of the biggest common obstacles. One is social media, right. Two are stupid emails. Gosh, just stupid emails, or just daily noise that pulls you away. So, like people that just take up your time but don't give you any value, you got to cut kind of those relationships a little shorter, if you can right.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that that really is challenging that we were talking about earlier is saying no, right, and then starting to adjust your habits. You know, with these new things you're doing, it can really feel uncomfortable, but guess what, that's okay, I had to get another drink here, sorry. Another thing that starts to happen too is trying to do everything. I'm going to tell you right now trying to do everything completely dilutes your purpose. Remember, we're being intentional. We're not doing everything. We're taking small, intentional actions that align with our purpose and values. So don't try to do everything right. So how can you overcome these distractions or these challenges?

Speaker 1:

I guess I could say is one you really have to set boundaries around your time and your energy If you have people in your life that are not serving you or not giving you any kind of benefit, and it's just one way you got to cut those people off. Other thing, too, as you're setting boundaries and I know this may be hard for some people, but you got to do it, because if you don't set boundaries for yourself, people are just going to walk all over you, right? And as you set these boundaries, here's the next thing You've got to keep to the boundary. Okay, you've got to keep to it, right, because your time and your energy are the most important things in your life. Now the next thing Remember we're starting small. Remember consistency builds momentum, so these small things will build into bigger and better things, right? So start small.

Speaker 1:

Focus on one intentional action or change at a time, or change at a time. And here's the next thing and this is something that is really going to help push you forward too is being compassionate with yourself. You have to understand, as you're doing this, the journey to mastery or journey to self-mastery, I should say or the journey to be a good gentleman. It takes time and you have to understand this. Setbacks, setbacks, yeah, setbacks, not setpacks. Setpacks are a part of the journey, right? That's what we learn from, so let's do this. If you're driving right now, you don't have to do this, but just think about this in the back of your mind if you're not driving, buy a piece of paper, pull it out again and what we're going to do is we're going to create an intentional day blueprint.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now, remember what we were saying before. What are my top three values? Write those down. What are my top three values? Write those down. What does a meaningful day look like to me? Write that down. What is one small habit I can add to my daily routine to align with my values? Write that down. Next, what distractions can I minimize to stay focused on my purpose and this is a big thing right here what intention will I set for tomorrow?

Speaker 1:

If you do that, like before you go to bed or at the end of your day, if you're thinking about what tomorrow is bringing and what you're going to do and that kind of stuff, if you start to set yourself up for that for the next day, I'm telling you, this will get so much easier for you, I promise, because what I want to do is I want to give you, like, this exercise this is what I do. It really gives you a roadmap to start living with intention, one day at a time, because that's what this takes. This takes consistency. You do this one day at a time, because that's what this takes. This takes consistency. You do this one day at a time. I'm telling you, it'll get easier day after day after day, because you're practicing it every day, right? So, living with intention and purpose again, it starts with small, consistent actions. And purpose, again, it starts with small, consistent actions.

Speaker 1:

Identify one area of your life where you can start making intentional choices today. Remember, your values are your compass, your actions shape your purpose and your purpose creates your legacy. As we're talking about this, do this today. Don't wait till tomorrow, don't wait till next week. Do this today so you can start setting yourself up for tomorrow. I'm telling you you need to do this. This is what's going to change your life. You live it with an intention and purpose. I'm telling you, nothing can stop you if you do that. Man, I'm sorry, I get really hyped up with this kind of stuff, because I'm going to tell you like this changed my life, like living with intention and purpose is what changed my life. It just did, and this is why I do the Gentleman's Journey is because of that, right there. So I'm sorry, guys, I get really hyped on this, but again, I really, really, really appreciate you listening today. You know.

Speaker 1:

If you have any questions on this or anything that I talk about, please, please, please, never hesitate to reach out to me. There's three different ways. First way is texting me. Okay, if you look on, like the description here, as this cop car goes by, sorry, if you look at the description, it should say text me or text us. Right, you click on that, you text me a question, I'll answer for you, no problem, right? That's the first way. Second way is going to be an email. My email is anthony at gentsjourneycom. Please, please, please, never hesitate to email me. And, last but not least, not least, you can reach out to me via my DM at my Instagram handle. My Instagram handle is MyGentsJourney, so please feel free to reach out to me in any of those platforms. I'll be more than happy to help you out.

Speaker 1:

Okay, remember 2025, see, you thought I forgot. 2025 is your year. This is your year as the cops are coming. Jeez, louise, this is your year, right? 2025 is about you living with intention and purpose and being the best you can be, because this is going to be your best year that you've lived of your life thus far. Okay, so, again, thank you guys. So very much for listening and remember this you create your reality. Take care, thank you.