Gents Journey

Mastering Visualization and Manifestation: Turning Dreams into Reality

Gents Journey

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Unlock the secrets to turning your dreams into a reality by mastering the art of visualization and manifestation. Have you ever wondered how celebrating small wins can powerfully shift your mindset from mere hope to solid certainty? Join us in this enlightening episode of the Gentleman's Journey podcast, where we explore how controlling our mental imagery and aligning our actions can lead to predictable outcomes in both personal and professional spheres. Through vivid examples—from achieving financial success to finding that perfect parking spot—we'll show you how these tools can transform your journey from being a victim of circumstance to the victor of your aspirations.

This episode isn't just about setting goals; it's about cultivating the discipline of consistency and harnessing the dopamine-driven feedback loop of success. We'll discuss how each small victory reinforces your belief and builds unstoppable momentum. Plus, we delve into the importance of gratitude and communication in personal growth, inviting you to connect with us and become a part of our shared journey towards self-improvement. Ready to shape your reality and make your aspirations an inevitability? Join us as we guide you through the process of setting clear goals and taking consistent actions, empowering you to become the architect of your destiny.

"True mastery is found in the details. The way you handle the little things defines the way you handle everything."

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Gentleman's Journey podcast. My name is Anthony, your host, and today we're going to talk about something that you do this consciously or unconsciously okay, and the thing about it is, when you can start to control this consciously, everything in your life good or bad really becomes a choice. Now, what is this that I'm talking about today? I'm talking about how, when you know we're going to talk about manifestation I don't know how else to say it right, and before I go into this, I know there's a lot of woo-woo people out there and like people are going to roll their eyes about this, but I'm going to show you some concrete stuff that's going to link three things today your small wins, your visualization and how manifestation how those three components in your life really control you but also can dictate a lot of outcomes in your life. So let's go ahead and let's talk about it, okay. Now here's the thing as we're talking about this, Something you have to understand is that your dreams are very powerful, okay, but they stay in your head unless you take steps towards them to make them real. Right, and that's where small wins come into play. I know we talked about this last week, but we're going to really hit home with this. I'm really going to connect this for you, okay, because, realistically, they bridge the life that you imagine and the life that you want to live. Small wins, manifestation and visualization is that bridge. So, in this episode, here's what we're going to do we're going to dive in at how visualization works and I'm a huge component of a visualization right and we're also going to talk about manifestation. And as we talk about that, we're going to help you create the big picture in your life and how celebrating those small wins fuels your momentum along the way. Because, again, together with these techniques, it's not just going to make the goals that you have possible. Your goals are just going to be an inevitability. Easy for me to say, it's inevitable, an inevitability, right. It's just going to happen. And here's the thing by the end of this episode, you're going to have the tools to visualize your dreams, to manifest your goals and to celebrate the small wins when you get there. Okay, goals, and to celebrate the small wins when you get there okay.

Speaker 1:

So let's go ahead now and let's really talk and dive into this, okay, now I'm going to explain first the difference between visualization, manifestation and small wins, because a lot of people, especially the first two. They get manifestation and visualization confused. So let's define what visualization is. Visualization is creating a clear mental picture of your goal, clear as possible. Okay, because here's the thing If your brain interprets visual imagery in your mind as real, it strengthens your belief.

Speaker 1:

So have you ever heard that term? If you can see it, you can achieve it. Well, I think it was in the 80s. I want to say Maybe it might have been in the 70s where they had Olympic athletes and what they did is they told them to close their eyes right and in closing their eyes, they had them linked up to all these different machines and they had them run their race right. Let's say it was like 100 or 200 or whatever they're doing. Here's the crazy part that they found out Once the Olympic athletes started to visualize what they were doing. This is the crazy part the same muscles were firing as if they were being used, and it was happening in real time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that is how your body cannot tell what is real and what is fake. Only you, as in your brain, can sense that. That's how powerful your brain is and that's how powerful you can become, and that is how powerful. That's the power that you hold inside of you. Okay, I know I'm already getting hyped up because I just I inside of you. Okay, I know I'm already getting I'm already getting hyped up because I just I love this stuff.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now, next, let's talk about manifestation. Manifestation is this it's aligning your thoughts, emotions and actions to bring your goals into reality. Because I'm going to tell you something People think manifestation is magic. They think it's woo-woo, they think it's just something that isn't real. Manifestation is very real Because it's centered around these three things Focus, belief and consistency in action. That's manifestation. Right Now, let's talk about small wins.

Speaker 1:

What small wins do, especially if you listen to the past two podcasts. Small wins reinforce your belief in the process. Right, in the process. Right, think about it. Like once you have, like your car, or you're thinking about your dream car, or you're thinking about your dream life, all of a sudden, you start to see these little breadcrumbs, these little clues that are leading you into that. Okay, small wins do the same thing. Small wins reinforce your belief in the process, right? Remember, we talked about small wins are momentum builders. This is no different. Okay, because here's the thing about small wins, especially when it comes to this, small wins are proof that your dreams are possible. Are proof that your dreams are possible. You have no idea how powerful you are until you start to apply these things. Sorry, I had to get a drink there. Now let's start with six steps to visualize, manifest and celebrate your small wins. Let's really now get into this. Now. You're gonna hear this a ton of times in this podcast, not just this episode, but just in general.

Speaker 1:

You have to be clear. You have to create a clear vision. You have to be clear on what it is that you want. A determining factor about people that are clear and not clear about them achieving their goals is crazy. I'll give you an example. If you listen to was it two episodes ago we were talking about goal setting. Right, if you write down your goal, writing it down, you are 50, no, I'm sorry, 43% chance more of achieving it than if you don't write it down. This is no different. If you have a clear vision about what it is that you want, the world starts to bend to you. Because once you define your dream in detail, your vision, right? What does it look like? What does it feel like? What does it sound like? What are you doing, right?

Speaker 1:

The second thing once you have a clear vision, write down your statement clearly. Write it down on paper or, if you have a vision board, this would be a great thing to put on your vision statement. Okay, because here's the thing the clearer your vision, the easier it is to focus your energy. I'll say that again the clearer your vision, the easier it is to focus your energy. Okay, now the next thing. We talked about this last week.

Speaker 1:

We're going to talk about this again break your big goals into small wins. Visualize the end goal, but start with achievable steps. Again, if you want to start running, like I'm doing, what is called a couch to 5K, so the first thing it does just walk for 20 minutes. That's the first thing it says just walk, doesn't have to be brisk, just walk for 20 minutes. And then, within 60 or 90 days, I want to say you're going to be running a 5K, okay, that's what I'm doing. Consistency, right? Well, let's say you want to write a book, start by writing 100 words a day. That's nothing, 100 words a day is nothing, that's not even a page, but it's something. Because here's the thing about those small wins Small wins. It takes down that feeling of being overwhelmed by the big goal, like we talked about. But what it also does too it builds momentum.

Speaker 1:

Momentum is the key to this game. I talk about this all the time. I'm going to say this again you are building momentum in one of two ways. You're building momentum forwards or you're building momentum backwards, and that's all based on the actions and decisions that you make. And if you're not taking any action, you're building momentum backwards, and that's all based on the actions and decisions that you make, okay, and if you're not taking any action, you're building momentum backwards. That's just a fact, okay.

Speaker 1:

Now here's the next thing when you're doing this, when you're doing your visualizations right, you have to do this daily. The first thing I do when I wake up the morning, when I set, when I turn my phone, phone alarm off, as I sit in a quiet place because I'm still in that little sleepy phase, I visualize. I visualize what I'm doing, I visualize the day I'm going to have and I visualize what I'm building towards and what that feels like, and I'm going to tell you, when you're doing that, you are building the biggest momentum that you would ever feel. Because, again, we talked about your brain doesn't know the difference. And since you want to build this great life, since you're on this path to enlightenment, or you're on this path to betterment, or you're on this path to become a gentleman, it's all the same. It's all about being better. It's about having big goals and achieving them and what's next? That's what this is, but you've got to do it daily.

Speaker 1:

Again, like something that I do when I visualize is I close my eyes, I envision my goal like it's happening or like I'm or it's already happened. Right, I use all my senses, I'm visualizing what do I, what? What's around me, what does it sound like? What does it smell like? What am I wearing, what are they wearing? What am I driving? What? What's the house, whatever it is? I visualize it all and I walk through just like a normal thing, because, again, the more normal you make it in your heart, in your mind, like it's just a thing, it just happens. Like that, it's not a surprise. Only thing that's ever going to surprise you is like man, I should have did this sooner. That's the truth. So I would say this Spend a minimum of five minutes each morning visualizing the life that you want.

Speaker 1:

Spend the day or not the day, spend another five or ten minutes visualizing your day and how you want it to go. I'm telling you, these are so, so, so powerful, so powerful. Like, just those things, right, there are literally going to change your focus and you're going to see the creator that you are, I promise. Now the next thing a lot of people don't understand about manifestation. People think like oh, I'm just going to manifest, I'm just going to manifest it. Manifestation people think like oh, I'm just going to manifest, I'm just going to manifest it.

Speaker 1:

Well, it still takes some action. Right, you got to take action. You got to take those small, consistent steps that are aligning with your goals. Okay, if you're trying to like, I'll give it, this is something that I do. Okay, I want to be financially successful? Obviously, right, all of us do. But what I do is I create a budget and I track my spending right, because the thing about this is that you have to understand your actions must reflect the reality you want to create. If you're trying to lose 15 or 20 pounds, you can't eat like a pound of cookie dough, right, it's just not going to work. If you're trying to become a billionaire or run a company or whatever those things are and all you're doing is just taking no action and just saying woulda, shoulda, coulda, it's not going to happen. This life you live requires action and it requires you doing the action.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now, as I'm saying that, acknowledge every step forward, no matter what. Okay, even if you're falling an inch forward, right, acknowledge that you're always moving forward Because, remember, this is a consistency and momentum game that we're playing, right? Let's say, for an example, like when I finish a book, I'm like man, I reflect on it. Think about, like four or five years ago I wasn't even reading books. Now I read a book a week. That's crazy. The next thing let's say, for example, you're landing a big client, celebrate that you save $50 towards your goal, smile to yourself and know that your goal is going to happen. It's a foregone conclusion. Okay, because you want to know what celebrating does. To be honest with you, it reinforces progress, but what it does, more than anything else, it builds your confidence. Else, it builds your confidence. That's what it does. It builds your confidence and we all know that this is a confidence game and you got to be confident in what you do.

Speaker 1:

Now here's the next thing, and I'm going to say this is what stops a lot of people is overcoming blocks and staying patient. Doubts and fear block your success, block your manifestation. It can block your visualization, because your brain is always trying to protect you. That's just what it does, right, and it wants to give you negative thoughts to protect you. So you have to start training your brain. Instead of protecting you, work for you in different ways. So your brain is going to tell you like this is an example of how we have to start reframing our mind right, instead of saying I can't do this, this is impossible. This is never going to tell you like this is an example of how we have to start reframing our mind Right, instead of saying I can't do this, this is impossible, this is never going to work. Instead of saying that, saying you know what I'm going to figure this out, I am, and then sometimes you're like you know what I'm going to make this work.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes your life just takes that Because, again, your life requires action. It just does and you've got to be present in it. You know what I mean, because when you're doing this, you have to trust the process that you're in and this is the biggest key to this. You have to focus on consistency, not perfection. I'll say that again Focus on your consistency, not perfection. Nobody's perfect. You're never going to be exactly perfect this life.

Speaker 1:

With their actions and what they're doing and how clear they are in their vision, they're always taking actions towards that and achieving their goals. They have to be consistent, they have to be. There's no choice. Okay, because here's the thing. Because here's the thing when you start to do this, right, you create a small win. You achieved a small goal. Right, your brain releases a chemical called dopamine. It's the feel-good chemical, right? When you start to associate this, when your brain starts to associate dopamine with achieving goals, it's going to root out things that you need to achieve to start getting that dopamine release, I'm telling you, and it's going to create this positive feedback loop for you. For once, right.

Speaker 1:

Because what visualization does too? As we're talking about this, as we're talking about manifestation and visualization, visualization, it strengthens your neural pathways and, as you're doing that, it makes your goals feel more achievable. Because here's the thing when you're combining these two things visualization and manifestation you visualize the big goal, right, you act on it with small steps and then you celebrate each win which is now bringing in the small wins. You do those three things. You know what that whole sentence means Consistency and momentum. That's it. That's it. That's the big secret. You go to any of these seminars, you go to any of these woo-woo doctors. You read all these books. That's what it talks about your consistency and your momentum.

Speaker 1:

Because you're not coming from a place of hope, you're coming from a place of knowing. If you know you're going to be successful and you're always taking successful actions, you will become a success. It's inevitable. That's just the truth. Because I'll give you an example, right, so this was oh gosh, actually, no, this was about last year, right, and I had a number of a huge number in my mind of what I wanted to make, right, and I started doing some day trading and that kind of stuff and I achieved this financial goal in my mind and I couldn't believe it. And the thing about it was it was actually very simple. Is it was actually very simple and I was always just taking consistent actions towards it and I just never. I just knew I was going to have it. I just knew it. I just knew it.

Speaker 1:

You know, like it's kind of same thing, like I'm not going to lie here, I'm a huge thrift shopper. I love thrifting. It's one of my favorite things to do, and every time I go thrifting I think in my mind I'm like you know what? I'm going to find some amazing things today. And I find stuff that still has tags on it, find suits that have never been worn, that are like $3,000, $4,000 suits. And I let all those eBay guys, all those people selling, I let them walk through it and for some reason, every time everything I'm looking for, they just walk right on by and I just get it.

Speaker 1:

You'll get into a groove, I call it where you use your visualization, you use your manifestation and you celebrate your small wins, like what I was just talking about, and things just happen Like I'll give you another example where you just like it's like I hate to be so generic here but like the whole parking spot thing, that stuff really works, it really does Like I'll find my perfect spot, I'm not even worried about it, it'll be a full. You go to the mall and be like all these people it'll be chaos, right and I'm like, yeah, it my. I'll just like my spot's over there somewhere and I just go and bam, there it is like someone's pulling out and I can just pull right on in. I'm telling you, have you ever had it to where you know, as we're talking about this, where everything you thought was negative, then it was involving you, and then you started thinking positive and this stuff started to turn around?

Speaker 1:

Or, you know, you achieved a goal because you did so much hard work and effort, like, say, it was getting your diploma. Or, let's say, you moved out of your house and you're moving to an apartment, or whatever you know from your parents. Or you bought your dream car. All those are huge things, but it takes consistency, it takes momentum, but it takes visualization. You know, the thing about this is there is no secret to the world. There just isn't. The secret is that you hide from yourself is how truly powerful you are. You're very powerful and you are stronger and more powerful than you could ever imagine, but the thing about it is knowing that is scary, because now you got to be responsible. Now you can't be a victim anymore. Once you know how powerful you are, you only have one choice and that's to be a victor in your life.

Speaker 1:

So, as we talk about this, here's what I challenge you with doing this Write down a big goal, really visualize it. What does it look like? What does it feel like? What does it feel like, what does it sound like? Break it down into three steps, three small steps, and those three steps could be just an actuality, just clarifying what it is right. It could be like you know what I want to do? I don't see, want to be a neurosurgeon, I don't know and visualize what that looks like. And then you start watching some YouTube videos and you start understanding that maybe the education it takes, and then maybe the small step is like okay, how do I get my grades or how do I get into something like that? Those are three steps.

Speaker 1:

You celebrate each one like man. You know what I think I could do this. Yeah, I could do this. You celebrate each one like man. You know what I think I could do this? Yeah, I could do this. You visualize again, you build up momentum. Right Again, what this is. It's about consistency and building momentum. That is the secret.

Speaker 1:

Okay, because I'm going to tell you something Big dreams, they don't happen overnight. They, honestly, are built one small win at a time, and that is fuel for your beliefs and your action. That's what it's fueled by, right. So, if you take anything out of this, know three things. One, that you are more powerful, and you are stronger than you give yourself credit for, so stop playing small. Number two the life you want to live is possible, but you have to see it clearly in your mind. And number three your consistency and your actions dictate everything in this. That's the secret. Your consistency, your actions and your clarity of vision is what's going to dictate everything in your life. You are capable of amazing things. Do not play small anymore. Don't do it. Do yourself a favor and go out there and be amazing.

Speaker 1:

So, guys, I know I was really hyped up on this one, but I just wanna thank you so, so, so, very much for listening today. You know, if you have any questions on this or anything that I talk about, please, please, please, never hesitate to reach out to me. There's three ways. One way is you can text me. Right, it'll say, like text me here, bam. You can text me and we can have a conversation about this. Second, you can text me and we can have a conversation about this. Second, you can email me. My email is anthonyatgentsjourneycom. Please, please, please, do not hesitate to email me at any time. And, last but not least, you can always go to my Instagram. My Instagram is my gentsjourney. Please drop me a DM. I'd be more than happy to help you out with whatever your needs are. Okay, we're in this together. We're in this journey together to both Well, both, all of us to be amazing as I hit my microphone. But again, thank you so, so, so, very much for listening today. And remember this you create your reality. Take care you.