Gents Journey

Cultivating Success by Acknowledging Little Triumphs

Gents Journey

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Imagine transforming your life by simply celebrating the small victories each day. Join me on this episode of the Gentleman's Journey podcast, where we unravel the powerful impact of small wins and how they can set the wheels of success in motion. You'll learn how these seemingly insignificant achievements can be the key to overcoming feelings of being overwhelmed, as well as how they can fuel your motivation and confidence by boosting those all-important dopamine levels. Through relatable examples like saving money or conquering daily tasks, we'll explore how breaking down grand ambitions into bite-sized milestones can make daunting goals feel achievable and within your grasp.

We'll challenge the conventional mindset of perfectionism and guide you towards a path of progress, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and celebrating each step forward. I'll share personal stories and practical insights that highlight the potential for significant life changes, whether you're improving your financial standing, losing weight, or nurturing better relationships. By embracing these small, consistent steps, you'll not only reinforce positive habits but also cultivate a mindset that attracts more success into your life. As a personal challenge, I'll encourage you to acknowledge three small wins from today, helping you foster a sense of daily appreciation and paving the way for a brighter and more successful future.

"True mastery is found in the details. The way you handle the little things defines the way you handle everything."

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Gentleman's Journey podcast. My name is Anthony, your host, and today we're going to talk about something that starts small, but once you do this at a constant rate, it builds something that you've always dreamed of. Now, what is this that I'm talking about today? I'm talking about, really, the importance of small wins and how that builds you big momentum for success. Now, you know, a lot of people have a lot of different interpretations for success, right, or about what success looks like, but here's one thing I can definitely tell you for sure Is success is not about massive leaps, right. It's about small steps taken consistently. That builds unstoppable momentum. Yes, I do understand, right now, that we talk about momentum all the time on here this is probably the fourth or fifth podcast in a row that we've talked about momentum but it's just such a massive, massive key to your success. In anything that you do, consistency always builds your momentum. Okay, but, as we're talking about this too often, we focus on big goals right, we focus on, you know, the big job promotion, or if we're going to run a marathon, right, or building our dream business but what we really forget to do along the way to those big things is to celebrate the small wins along the way. Right, but those small wins, I got to tell you, they are the fuel that'll keep pushing you forward. Okay, so what we're going to do in this episode, we're going to talk about why small wins matter, how they actually wire your brain for success, and the steps you start to take to recognize and celebrate them in your life.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now, as we're talking about this, you know what are small wins. As we're talking about this, you know what are small wins. Small wins, they are small, achievable milestones that are on your path to a larger goal. So, like an example would be, let's say, a small win would be like completing a workout right, writing 200 words. Or waking up on time right, you know, completing a single workout. Let's say, you're on your way to try to lose 10 or 15 pounds this year. Well, doing completing that workout will get you on the path of doing that. Writing 200 words, you know, just like yesterday we were talking about. You know writing a book, you know, just like yesterday we were talking about. You know writing a book. You know. One to two pages a day. Man, there you go. 200 words gets you on the process of doing that on the way to do that, waking up on time that is a huge thing, just showing up in your life, right. But here's why small wins work.

Speaker 1:

Small wins work because of well, there's a lot of different things, but this is one of the big things. It gives you a dopamine boost, right, and dopamine, dopamine, right, dopamine boost and what dopamine is? It's a brain chemical. That's a feel-good chemical, right? So when you achieve a small win, it releases this dopamine. It makes you feel accomplished and motivated, right. And the more that you do that, the more dopamine you release in your system because you're doing these things, the more you're going to want to do it, because you feel so good doing it right. The second thing is that it builds confidence. Yes, I do know that this is something we've talked about a lot, especially the past couple of days, but it's just such a key ingredient to success when you're building confidence right, especially with these small wins. Each win enforces or reinforces, I should say your belief in your ability to succeed, which builds your confidence, right. But here's the biggest thing that a small win does it reduces that feeling of being overwhelmed, right. When you're focusing on smaller tasks, big goals feel more manageable. Okay, because here's the thing, and this is a quote by Robert Collier Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Okay, so remember, big changes happen when you start doing the small things correctly.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now, next, what we're going to do here. We're going to go over five steps on how to harness this power of small wins. Okay, now, I know this may sound familiar from yesterday or the day before, but it's just worth saying again you got to break those big goals into smaller milestones. Okay, identify your end goal. What is it that you want to accomplish? Right, so there's this thing that's called living in the end. Right, so you live in them, that you've already, like, accomplished this goal. So now all you have to do is just work backwards from it. Right, so, identify your goal, work backwards from your goal to create actionable steps. Right, I'll give you an example.

Speaker 1:

Let's say, in your mind, you visualize you've already saved $10,000. Well, how did I do that? Right, the small win was going to say you saved $20 this week, $100 this month. Right, and now, because you're saving $100 a month and you saved $20 this month, right, and now, because you're saving $100 a month and you save $20 this week, you might find the ability to save $25 next week. Right, you may get to a point to where you're saving $100, $200, $300, $400 a month. Right, you do that over a year. Let's say it's $400 a month, well, that's $4,800, right, a little bit, you know. Well, actually it's more than that $4,800 with this little five grand. Right? So now you've saved that money. Right, you saved over $5,000. So in two years, right Now, you've saved 10 grand. Think about how different your life was going to be. Right, because now you've figured out ways to save that money.

Speaker 1:

Now, the next thing you've got to track your progress. Right, and I know I've talked about this before. Tracking your progress is going to be one of the biggest things you can do to ensure your success. Right, you can do what I do. I use a journal. I have a Remarkable right and I love that thing. I write down everything in my journal, right, in my Remarkable. You know, there's apps like Notion. Notion's a great free app. You can use a calendar. Right, everyone has a calendar on their phone. Use that right. Everyone has a calendar on their phone. Use that right. Log in every when you have, no matter how small. Okay, because here's the thing I need you to realize what gets measured, gets managed. Okay, and here's the thing that's going to happen. You're going to be seeing the progress you're making, and the progress you start to make is going to build your motivation to keep going.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now step three. As we're talking about this, I'm going to take a little drink. So, number three we got to celebrate the small wins. You got to celebrate the wins. Okay, take time to acknowledge your achievements. We're in this society where it's like, oh my God, I can't talk about it. We do the humble brag. It's okay to celebrate a win. It's okay, you deserve it. You've worked hard. Celebrate a win right. Treat yourself, write down your accomplishment, share it with a friend, right? Because here's the thing Celebration reinforces the behavior you want to repeat. Okay, I'll say that again Celebration reinforces the behavior you want to repeat. Now, here's the next thing You're going to start stacking your wins for momentum, because here's the thing I'm going to tell you when you start taking these small actions, right, these small consistent actions, they build upon each other, right, like if you think about it, like if you want to build a.

Speaker 1:

You know, let's say you're building, you know, for us in the Midwest and the East Coast. You want to build a snowman right, you got to make a small snowball first, and then you start rolling it into the you know, across your lawn or across the ground and picking up all of that snow. Then what happens? Now you have this big snowball right and you keep rolling it, rolling it, rolling it until you have the base of your snowman. But it took a little snowball to go into this big thing. That's what small wins do you build that right, just like this.

Speaker 1:

This will be another way I can explain it, as one healthy meal leads to a full day of better eating, which then leads to a week of better eating, then a couple weeks, and now we're looking at a month better eating than a couple weeks. And now we're looking at a month and all of a sudden you're on this, I call my next little diet, which, realistically, you just want to eat better to feel better. Right, that all happens from doing something small, consistently, right Now. Here's the next thing Reflect on how far you've come. It's okay to look back and look at all the wins you've accomplished, because here's the thing that that does when you start to reflect on your progress. It reminds you that you're even capable of achieving more Right.

Speaker 1:

One thing I tell everybody and this is going to be the hardest truth you have to understand in this life the only limitation you have in your life is the limitations you set on yourself, or the limitation someone gives to you that you believe that's it Right Now. Here's the next thing. We really got to overcome this habit of ignoring the small wins. Right, people overlook small wins over time because they seem insignificant and they really focus on doing it perfect and perfectionism. Right, or they focus just on the end result and that's it. You know, they say that when you accomplish these big things, it's actually the end result that doesn't matter. Right, it's what you learn in the process of becoming that person. That's what really matters. Right, because here's the thing about small wins.

Speaker 1:

Small wins will start to shift your mindset. Because what small wins are? They're proof that you're moving in the right direction. So, as I'm saying this, embrace progress, not perfection. I tell people this all the time. We're talking about consistency, especially right, where, if you make one right decision, all the right decisions happen. You have the ability to make them right, or they start to show up and then you can make another right decision. And then guess what? More opportunities to make right decisions come up. Then you make those right decisions, then more of them come up, and then more and more builds up momentum, right? Well, the thing about it is negativity or negative choices do the same thing, right, so you're always building momentum backwards or forwards. There's no in between, okay. So remember, small wins are proof that you're moving in the right direction. So embrace progress, not perfection, okay, now. Next, and this is a huge ripple effect that you'll get when you do this, you build this confidence and you build this momentum. These small wins will inspire you to take on bigger challenges Because, like I was telling you earlier, remember, the only limitations are the one that you place on yourself.

Speaker 1:

Right, and let's say you've lost 15, 20 pounds, or let's say you made 150 grand in a year, or let's say you bought your dream house, whatever it is. When you understand that this world is based around how you react to things and the actions that you take, you really are limitless. I'm being honest here with you. I'm not trying to be you know woo, you know woo. You know it's not woo-woo stuff, but it's the truth. The thing about it is, as I'm saying this to you, you know I smile because I myself had that limitation in my life, and this is something that really changed my life was doing small steps and then realizing that I was the only person limiting myself and then taking that limiter off has been the most amazing thing in the world.

Speaker 1:

I have a friend of mine who does this as well, and this is going gonna be the first year he's gonna make a million dollars, or actually, last year he made a million dollars, I'm sorry, and since we're in 2025. And I asked him something like what does that feel like to make a million? And he's like you know what I internally had to change, how I felt, you know. So he really got serious about what it is that he was doing and he started building those momentum, started having those smaller wins, and now you know he's pretty much going to he's probably going to do a million this year, if not more, because he rose his value right. But in order for him to do that, he had to do what we're talking about right now and that rose his confidence and it built the momentum for him. So, as we're talking about that, this is what I'm going to challenge you with this week. Okay, I'm going to challenge you to this.

Speaker 1:

I want you to write down three small wins from today. I don't care how small they seem. Take a moment and acknowledge them. It's okay. You woke up on time, that's a win. You know what you went the whole day without thinking negative. That's a huge win. You know what? You save $5 somewhere, bam win. You have to understand there's so many blessings that you were blessed with every single day that you're just not aware of. And the more that you're aware of the blessings that are around you and the wins that you have around you, more wins will come towards you. I promise you that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, because here's the thing when we're talking about these small wins, Every small win is a step closer to your bigger vision. Celebrate them, no matter what, because whose year is it this year? Whose year is it? 2025 is your year? It's no one else's. It's your year, right. It's no one else's. It's your year right.

Speaker 1:

So these small wins are just the beginning of the bigger ones that you're going to get, and the crazy thing about this is when you really start applying this to your life, big wins that you think are right now are going to be the smaller wins, and then two, three years down the road, things that you thought were big wins are now going to be smaller wins Because of the fact that you're going to keep progressing as a person. You're going to really take advantage of who you are and you're really going to do this right. That stubborn weight you've been trying to lose, bam, it's gone. Right. That job you hated and now you started something else. Wow, now you're happy. Maybe it's being in the relationship. Boom, now you're in a great relationship. Right, you can turn your life around when you make the decision, and one of the biggest things that you can do for yourself is look at the small wins in your life. You follow this. I'm telling you it will absolutely change your life. I'm telling you it'll change your life. So again, as always, I want to thank you so, so, so, very much for listening today.

Speaker 1:

Now you know, if you have any questions on this or anything that we talk about, there's three ways to get a hold of me. First, you can text me, which says you know, hey, let's chat text here. Bam, you hit. Can text me, which says you know, hey, let's chat text here. Bam, you hit that. Text me right away. I'll text you right back right Now. If you're texting me at two o'clock in the morning, it's gonna be a little bit later. I'm just gonna be honest. Okay, now, that's the first way. Second way is you're gonna be emailing me. My email is anthony at gentsjourneycom. That's the second way. And, last but not least, you can always DM me. My Instagram handle is my gentsjourney. Okay, go ahead, leave me a DM. I'll respond back to you and answer any questions or concerns that you have, because, remember again, 2025 is your year. This is the year that you make the biggest change in your life. Remember that. So, again, I want to thank you so, so, so, very much for listening today and remember this you create your reality. Take care you.