Gents Journey
Gents Journey
New Year, New You – The Power of Starting Small
Ever felt buried under the weight of gigantic goals, not knowing where to begin? I've been there, and I discovered a simple yet powerful strategy to turn the tide: start small and stay consistent. On this episode of the Gentleman's Journey podcast, I share my personal journey of conquering procrastination by dedicating just ten minutes a day to tasks that once felt insurmountable. You'll hear how a friend's modest fitness routine led to dramatic weight loss, proving that consistent, small actions can unleash transformative results. We're diving deep into how these incremental steps can dismantle mental barriers and set you on a path to achieving your aspirations.
As we continue to grow together, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your ongoing support and engagement. Connecting with you is a privilege, and I'm eager to hear your feedback and ideas. Whether it's through a five-star review or a simple message on Instagram at "mygentsjourney" or via email at Anthony@gentsjourney.com, your input is invaluable. Let's keep shaping our realities together, one small step at a time. Your time and attention mean the world, and I can't wait to explore more journeys with you.
"True mastery is found in the details. The way you handle the little things defines the way you handle everything."
Hello and welcome to the Gentleman's Journey podcast.
Speaker 1:My name is Anthony, your host, and today we're going to talk about something that is a really big thing, right, but people that do this over time are more successful than people that don't do this right. And what am I talking about today? I'm talking about why starting small changes literally everything. Right, and here's the thing you know, as we're talking to this, I want to just thank you guys so much for listening today before I start, but I'm going to talk about this really quick. You know, starting small and being consistent is going to be your bridge to success. I'll say that again Starting small and being consistent is your bridge to success.
Speaker 1:You know, because here's the thing you know like, a while back, you know, I felt stuck. You know, taking on some big projects, and you know I had this massive goal of building something really big. And not only did I want to build something big, I wanted to build something meaningful that had purpose, right. But every time I sat down, I felt overwhelmed. You know, the goal itself seemed too big and, in all honesty, I had no idea where to begin. So, like a lot of other people that are in this position, I would tell myself this I'll start it when I have more time, or I need to plan this out perfectly Right, or I'll get to it later. Sometimes that get to it later would be taking a nap, it'd be binge watching shows, it'd be doing something completely different, right? But it's always like this nagging thing in the back of my mind, like, oh, I got to do this right. Then I remember just like sitting here and like being really frustrated and then thinking to myself like, hold on a second, what if I just give myself 10 minutes to do it? No grand plan, no. Like, oh, I'm going to do it this way, just doing it right, just going out there and just doing it. So here's what I did. I set 20 minutes and I started. Then I realized when that 20 minute rang, I was already building some momentum, so I started. So I do it again for another 20 minutes, right, and I started building momentum. Then a couple hours passed and I was well into my project at that point, so now I could take a break. But the thing about it is I started. That's the biggest thing is starting. And here's the thing After a week of doing that right, being consistent, you know, and it wasn't, like you know, groundbreaking stuff, but I felt different afterwards Because I realized I wasn't stuck because I lacked ability. I was stuck because I really thought I had to do it all at once.
Speaker 1:Let me ask you a question have you ever accomplished something to where you just did it and then you look back like, wow, I did that right, you didn't really have any thought, you just took action. That's what this feels like Just taking action, taking a small action really can make a huge difference in your life. Right, because it's a simple habit. You do something for 10 minutes a day. It can move you forward farther than you ever thought it could. Right, because here's the thing with these small, like 10-minute decisions they build momentum for you.
Speaker 1:Right, and taking these small actions every day? Right, these little, 10-minute, small actions of doing something maybe I didn't want to do, or just getting into a project and getting it done those things lead to great rewards, both personally, mentally and emotionally. Mentally, because now you've had it done, you have that check mark. Emotionally, because, like, hey, it's no longer like on your heart or on your mind weighing you down. And physically, because you feel the relief of getting it done.
Speaker 1:Right, how many times has that happened to you? You finally finished a project, or you finally finished this thing that's been on your to-do list, and you're like God, I finally got that done. And how good did you feel. It felt amazing, right. What stopped you? Nothing, nothing stopped you. The only thing that stopped you was just not doing it, thinking it was going to be difficult, or just going like, oh, I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this. No, you got to do it. You got to do it and you start doing it and you're like, you're like crap, this was super easy. A lot of the things that you're putting off right now are the things you need to do. I'm just going to be honest and, as we're talking about that, right, this experience in like doing all this has taught me really something huge is that momentum comes from movement. I'll say that again Momentum comes from movement, taking action. Cause the momentum which moves you forward Right. Cause the momentum which moves you forward right. I mean, if you're waiting to be honest with you, to start a project or a fitness goal or a personal habit, just in case you're wondering, this is your sign to do it. After this podcast, again, this is your sign to do it after this podcast. All right, so you know. Here's the thing. If you want to get in shape, I'll tell you what.
Speaker 1:I have a friend of mine this is no joke Every hour he does five push-ups and five sit-ups. This is no kidding. Just five push-ups and five sit-ups. This is no kidding Does five push-ups and five sit-ups. And if you know, on average you're up between 14 to 16 hours a day, right? So on average he's doing over. What is that? 60, 70 push-ups and 60, 70 sit-ups. And him, by doing that, he's done that for like the 70 push-ups and 60, 70 sit-ups. And him, by doing that, he's done that for the past, I think, three, four months. Just by doing that one thing, he's lost like 15 pounds Just by doing just that. Just that. It's crazy. It's crazy, but that's just something small, no-transcript consistency of that.
Speaker 1:They need to read like a, like an adult book, right. So he started doing that because it was about building that consistency. Now he doesn't need to read the children's books anymore. He reads the adult books, right, and that could be anything like. He loves personal involvement. He loves Harry Potter, right. So now this guy, he's in these Harry Potter books like five, six hundred pages and he can literally polish that. You know one of those books off in like two weeks, because now he's an average reader. You know, this guy reads Harry Potter and he reads his personal development stuff. He's reading just in personal development. He's reading like a book a week and he just started just by reading five, 10 pages a day, just in kids' books. Momentum, right.
Speaker 1:Another guy, another friend of mine, he is trying to do oh, what is it? He's learning how to code, right. So what he does? He watches a YouTube video every day on coding and then, when he does, he goes into ChatGPT and then ChatGPT breaks it down into lessons that he could do. And then he does it and guess what? He's coding an app now. And this guy I'm going to be honest with you, he could barely turn a computer on, I'm being serious, he barely knew how to check his email and now he's building an app. But he started small and his momentum and starting small is what built him forward. That's huge, that's massive, right?
Speaker 1:Because here's the thing you know, as we're talking about this doing these things has nothing to do with the intensity on how you do things. It's all about the consistency and how you do it. I'll say that again, it's not about the intensity of how you do it, it's about your consistency. Consistency is the key to success. Consistency. You show up every day, you do your best. Guess what you get rewarded at the end? It just happens. That's how it works. That's life right.
Speaker 1:And as we're talking about this like being consistent, this is the start of a year for you and for me. Being consistent in these podcasts is what's going to help me become successful and you, listening to these podcasts and being consistent in your actions is what's going to help you be successful. So, realistically, what we're doing together, you know, today, january 1st, is building this partnership together, and I'm going to take you through this path to become a gentleman and recording every day, or five days a week, I should say, to get you to that point. And I cannot tell you how I'm so amped for this. I really am. I'm so amped, but I know it doesn't matter about my intensity, it's all about my consistency. So, as I close this off today, so as I close this off today, let me ask you a question now. What can you do today? What small step can you take? Not tomorrow, not next week. Today, that will put you forward. That'll push you forward. What would that be? Just remember, it takes just one step to build your momentum, so take the step today.
Speaker 1:Okay, again, I can't tell you how much I appreciate you listening today. It has just been an absolute pleasure and honor for you to take the time to listen to my podcast. To do me a favor, please, please, please, give this a five star if you enjoyed what you're listening to and also, too, if you have any questions about anything that we talked about today. There's two ways to reach me. First way is me through my Instagram. My Instagram handle is my gents journey. You'll see my lovely face and a hundred plus videos of me talking right. Also, too, if you can reach me via email, my email is Anthony and that's A-N-T-H-O-N-Y at gentsjourneycom. If you have any you know any questions or any ideas of stuff you want me to talk about, please, please, please, leave them there. Okay, and again, I want to thank you so much for listening today and remember this you create your reality, take care.